Monday, June 3, 2013

We Have Chickens!

We now have six Rhode Island Red hens at Lavender Hill Farm!  The alpacas were a little unsure about them at first, but now they exist happily together.  They will be a year old this fall and lay around six brown eggs a day.  These hens are very friendly!  When visiting the farm, you'll be sure to see them.

The hens stay busy all day looking for bugs around the farm.

The alpacas seem to enjoy the company of the chickens!

Shearing Day 2013

Shearing day at Lavender Hill Farm was Friday, May 10, 2013.  We had beautiful weather for the first part of May, but just a few days before shearing, the rain came.  We corralled the alpacas under the overhangs of the barn to keep them as dry as possible for shearing.  By Friday the sun came and and we enjoyed a perfect day!  Rick and Jeremiah, from Twist of Fate Spinnery, were once again our shearers and they got right to work around 8:30.  Here's some pics from throughout the day! 

Adonis is almost finished being shorn.

Ember is having her front legs shorn here.

Miko is having his teeth trimmed.

Mikey is about to have his teeth trimmed also.